ncc Compliance – Visibility in an Emergency

Since 2016 NCC BCA E4 has referred to Visibility in an Emergency rather than Emergency Lighting.

There are strict performance requirements which must be followed to ensure Ecoglo products meet all the building requirements of the BCA.

If you’re not sure if Ecoglo products are right for your project, please contact us.

BCA E4 Technical Documents

EP4.1 Flowchart – how to check if an Ecoglo marker will meet EP4.1?

EP4.1 Maintenance Checklist

Designers Handbook for Ecoglo Markings?

Technical Justification for Markings

Luminance of Different Grades of PLM

F14-175 Brochure


How much do they cost?
The cost varies as it can be dependent on several different factors, such as number of steps, length of pathway, whether or not you are already installing step nosing for example – a factor which may reduce your overall costs. In the majority of situations the cost is substantially less than the alternative option (electrical emergency lighting).
Do they need electrical light installed near them?
No, Ecoglo’s technical team can design the installation to make use of the existing light in the building. Outdoors, daylight is sufficient to ensure they will work 24/7.
How long do they last?
A minimum of 30 years when installed indoors before there would be any measurable change in performance, and 15 – 30 years outdoors.
What maintenance is required?
Make sure they are cleaned of dust or dirt build up.
Ecoglo’s information states that minimum charging illuminances of 20 lux, 60 lux and 80 lux for 5 minutes will ensure visibility for 30 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes respectively. What if these illumination requirements aren’t currently met?
Ecoglo products are designed to work in most normal lighting situations. Ecoglo’s professional engineer can, in many circumstances, design a Performance Solution to meet NCC Part E4. Contact Ecoglo for details.

Do the lights near the products need to be turned on before the building is occupied?
No. Ecoglo photoluminescent products will, in most situations, achieve full operational charge in well under 5 minutes because of residual charge left in them from previous use.
What happens if there is a lights-out emergency in the first 5 minutes of occupation?
In most cases Ecoglo products will have sufficient residual charge from when there was light on them before, but even if the product has become fully discharged and someone enters a dark space and turns on a light, Ecoglo products will meet the brightness requirement for a longer evacuation time than the time since the light was turned on. By the time 5 minutes has elapsed the products will have the full charge required for safe evacuation.
How reliable are they?
With no moving parts or components that need replacing, Ecoglo products are fail-safe as long as they are installed where there are normal indoor light levels, are kept reasonably clean, and not physically damaged. They will remain visible in an emergency for the time necessary to meet NCC requirements for at least 30 years.
Where are they made?
They are manufactured on our own premises in New Zealand using a patented process developed by Ecoglo over 20 years ago.
Where can they be used?
Ecoglo products can be used anywhere they can be sufficiently charged when someone may need to use them. Our products are in use throughout Australia and overseas in hospitals, educational facilities, apartment blocks, office blocks, retail spaces, factories, warehouses, sports stadiums and many other types of building. Contact Ecoglo for more details.
Who can install them?
We recommend that a qualified building trades-person installs them in accordance with Ecoglo installation instructions.
What are their environmental credentials?
They are made in a factory that uses electricity (from a supplier committed to sustainable electricity production) as its only energy source. The factory creates no commercial liquid effluent, and negligible air emissions. The products have no replaceable parts which would need to be disposed of, and no cadmium, mercury or radioactive material. They normally don’t require any electricity to be used to keep them charged. They have an extremely long life, and if for any reason they need to be disposed of, they can be included with other aluminium products for aluminium recycling.
Can they be used outdoors?
Yes, they are designed to meet the rigours of long term outdoor exposure in our harsh Southern Hemisphere environment. No matter what the weather, they can meet NCC Part E4 requirements for at least 15 years outdoors.